Molecular pathogenesis

Hunstad Lab
David A. Hunstad, MD
Work in our lab focuses on the interactions of pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria with their hosts, using urinary tract infection (UTI) as our primary model. We aim to elucidate host-pathogen interactions in the urinary tract, modulation of host immune responses by uropathogenic bacteria, and the influence of sex on UTI pathogenesis.

Rosen Lab
David A. Rosen, MD, PhD
Our lab focuses on the pathogenesis of Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp) — an opportunistic pathogen that is increasingly becoming multidrug resistant. As a result, resistant Kp is deemed “urgent” by the CDC and a “priority pathogen” by the World Health Organization.

Schwartz Lab
Drew J. Schwartz, MD, PhD
Our goal is to deliver personalized gut microbiome-based risk assessment and antibiotic stewardship for pediatric sepsis.